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Magnifier Program by appointment only In-Person

Magnifier Program

Seymour Library will be providing handheld magnifiers for patrons to check out through our magnifier program. All participants must follow the requirements of the program to remain eligible to participate.

  1. The participants must attend a screening meeting at the Seymour Library every 6 months, end of March and September to have their magnifier level checked to maintain optimal function of the materials. Screening will be done by looking at reading efficiency of both regular and large print books. Also, hand usage will be evaluated to see if a handheld magnifier can be used or if a stand magnifier that is rested on the book is appropriate for the patron.
  2. Participants must have a Monroe County library card in good standing.
  3. Participants must live in Clarkson, Sweden, or Brockport.
  4. Batteries for initial check out of magnifier will be provided by the Seymour library at each 6-month evaluation but, additional batteries during the six months will be provided by the patron.
  5. Loss or damage of the magnifier is the responsibility of the card holder.
Thursday, May 2, 2024
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Seymour - Elwanger Room
Brockport-Seymour Library


No Geolocation available for event.

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