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On-the-Spot Job Training In-Person
Looking for help in the job market? Sign up for our one-on-one career advice training with a professional who can help you in any of the following areas:
Job Search Strategies; Resume Writing; Interview Preparation; Networking and LinkedIn; Job Fair Preparation; Career/Job Change Strategies; Career Performance Coaching; & more!
Expertise is provided by Emily Abraham (Pelkowski), the owner of Thrive Career Coaching, where she uses strengths-based coaching to help her clients design and embrace their careers. She has 13 years of experience as a career coach in both higher education and educational technology, and currently works as Director of Career Design and Outreach at Nazaeth University. She also supports high school foreign exchange students through a non-profit organization called PAX (Program for Academic Exchange) and cares deeply about cultural exchange. In her free time, she can be found singing show tunes, bullet journaling, and dreaming about her next vacation. You can find her at www.thrivecareercoaching.com
- Date:
- Wednesday, September 25, 2024
- Time:
- 10:30am - 11:30am
- Time Zone:
- Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
- Location:
- Fairport - Conference Room
- Library:
- Fairport Public Library
- Audience:
- Adults
- Categories:
- Jobs Program