Event box

Sapphire Jubilee Anniversary Celebration In-Person
Gates Public Library is celebrating our 65th year with a Blue Sapphire Jubilee Time Capsule to be filled with photos, memorabilia, and letters from the Library Board, Friends of the Gates Public Library and Municipal Leaders on Wednesday, February 26- 5:15 PM.
Patrons who visit the Library for our special programming on February 26 can sign a visitation sheet and have their attendance acknowledged in the time capsule! All monetary contributions to the Sapphire Jubilee Fund Drive will be listed and placed into the time capsule. The capsule will be sealed and not reopened until February, 2060, our 100 Anniversary. A link to the Business donation form and to the Organization/Individual can be found here: https://gateslibrary.org/news/65th-anniversary-fundraisers/. This is an excellent opportunity to customize your donation in lieu of a gift for a birthday, holiday or other celebration; there is also the option to donate In Memory Of or In Honor Of a family member or special person. We look forward to celebrating with you!
Thank you for your ongoing support.♥