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FFRPL presents Books Sandwiched In: review of "Things That Go Bump in the Universe: How Astronomers Decode Cosmic Chaos"

FFRPL presents Books Sandwiched In: review of "Things That Go Bump in the Universe: How Astronomers Decode Cosmic Chaos" In-Person

Jim Bader will review Things That Go Bump in the Universe: How Astronomers Decode Cosmic Chaos by C. Renee James

Things That Go Bump in the Universe follows astronomers worldwide, who are exploring everything from the very first explosions in the universe to the dark energy that threatens it. Each chapter explains a different type of astronomical ‘event,’ using metaphors and stories.

Jim Bader is Director of the RMSC Strasenburgh Planetarium, an astronomy and space enthusiast, a planetarian, and a life-long learner

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 Show more dates
12:12pm - 12:52pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Central - Kate Gleason Auditorium
Central Library
  Book Talk/Review  
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